Recruitment and Engineering Products and Services, Inc.

MyPass is the latest technology on the market to protect your account information and passwords from data breaches. We strongly believe it is the most secure password manager of its kind in the market.


MyPass Features

It's set up similar to a bank safety deposit box. REPS (like a bank) has a key and the customer has the other key. There is no way to access it without the other.


It helps decrease the risk of Identity Theft by reducing password reuse and allow the user to enhance security on their accounts by creating different and long passwords that could not be remembered otherwise.


MyPass Business seamlessly shares your authentication to your organization. If the IT Department decides the change the password, employees can know immediately with the access of the organization's MyPass account.

About MyPass


With today's technology, simplicity is much needed. No one has time to learn a complicated software. MyPass is user friendly.

Security Questions and their answers have a designated storage location. Who ever remembers those correctly?

Security Questions

Easy to Use

Privacy Protected

We don't have your information, so your privacy is protected, and it actually makes the system a lot more secure.


Time Stamped

Passwords are time stamped to provide users a tool to know how long a password has been in use.


Due to security issues with the industry standard Autofill, we came up with a simple method so you can still easily log into your accounts.

Alternative Autofill


That's right. It's affordable and fits right into your budget. Contact us for more details regarding pricing.

No Web Access

As a preventative measure, this is not accessible via web for security purposes.



MyPass Business include modular options that can be beneficial to businesses. Contact us for more information.





On devices with fingerprint capability, MyPass is accessible via fingerprint for ease and to save time.

While it's similar to blockchain technology in security, it's cloud based. You can access it anywhere.

Passwords are searchable in the program's built-in search engine.



There is no limit to how many passwords and accounts can be added in MyPass.

The Sky is the

